By Erin Brighenti
The current exercise guidelines have been updated to support the importance and safety around exercise during pregnancy.
The current guidelines now recommended:
2.5-5 hours of moderate intensity exercise.
1.25-2.5 hours of vigorous intensity exercise.
Defining “moderate intensity” = Being able to hold a halted conversation.
Vigorous intensity = being unable to hold a halted conversation while exercising.
There is now overwhelming evidence to show the benefits of exercise for the mother and baby. The below exercise prescription reduces the chance of developing the below conditions by 25%.
While this is great news for expecting mothers, it is of course important to listen to your own body and only expose the body to exercise it has done before. Pregnancy is not the time to try and train for something significantly different to what you were doing prior to pregnancy.
If you are unsure where to start, or what exercise is appropriate, you can book in with Erin our Women’s Health Physiotherapist for assessment and recommendations during pregnancy.
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