Cancellation Policy

Cancellation Policy

Our Cancellation Policy

By Physical Edge Healthcare

At Physical Edge Healthcare we aim to provide a professional service at a time that is most suitable to you. We also endeavour to have same day appointments available for urgent injuries and all other appointments available within a few days of booking.

Unfortunately, we are experiencing a high number of last-minute cancellations and patients not attending their appointments. We understand that has been a lot of uncertainty over the last two years and we have done our best to be accommodating.

In order to continue to provide a high level of service to all our patients, our practice has found it necessary to implement a strict cancellation policy. These policies have always been in place, but they will be implemented more heavily now.

24 Hour Cancellation Policy

4 Hour Cancellation Policy

This is applicable to all patients – Private, Worker’s Compensation, Third Party, Veterans Affairs and Enhanced Primary Care Patients. You will be personally accountable to pay the FULL FEE OF $50.00. These payments can be made over the phone.

We ask that you be considerate of other patients. Sometimes we have a large waiting list of patients requiring appointments. By giving 24-hours notice for a cancellation we can give your appointment to someone on the waiting list.

We understand things happen and we will continue to be as accommodating as possible in unforeseen circumstances. We greatly appreciate your support and understanding of our policy.

If you do not turn up to your appintment or cancel at short notice on repetition, will will ask you to pay upfront when booking your appointment.

If you do have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our friendly staff on (02) 4268 4884.

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Physical Edge Healthcare
420 Lawrence Hargrave Drive
Thirroul, NSW, 2515

Hours of Operation

Mon - Fri 8:00am - 6:30pm

Sat 8:00am - 12:00pm

Sun Closed

Email Physical Edge Healthcare Thirroul




Tel: (02) 4268 4884

Medicare Services
Hicaps Available